Amazon Sidewalk Mobile Android SDK 1.2.0 is released.
Important Changes Since 1.1.0
Introduce new secureConnectDevice / registerDevice / deregisterDevice APIs that consume Sidewalk Manufacturing Serial Number (SMSN) only instead of Sidewalk ID + SMSN.
The automatic deregister & factory reset mechanism in the device registration process has been removed in the new registerDevice API.
Improve error handling when performing actions on a device that has already been deregistered but not successfully reset.
New Features
Introduce truncatedSmsn and fullSmsn in SidewalkDevice to return the device’s SMSN value.
Introduce a new set of interfaces to support using the device's SMSN for operations, including
Introduce RegistrationDetail enum with alreadyRegistered and registrationSucceeded that comes with the result of the new register APIs.
Introduce uploadDeviceMetrics in SidewalkConnection to support collecting device metrics and upload to Amazon Sidewalk cloud.
Bug Fixes
Fix ProGuard rules to prevent obfuscating public classes and functions.
Minor bug fixes in deregistration for legacy devices.
Fix issue on getting device information from Amazon Sidewalk cloud.
Known issues
There may be an issue if calling secureConnect() or secureConnectDevice() to a device right after disconnecting the connection with that device. It is suggested to put a delay (e.g. 5 seconds) in between if there is a need to call secure connect API right after disconnection.
Amazon Sidewalk Mobile Android SDK 1.1.0 is released.
Amazon Sidewalk Mobile Android SDK provides a one-stop solution for everything related to Amazon Sidewalk on Android mobiles. The initial release contains APIs including:
scan(), secureConnect(), register(), deregister(), and clearAccountCache() in Sidewalk to interact with end devices.
subscribe(), write(), startCoverageTest(), stopCoverageTest(), isAvailable, and disconnect() in SidewalkConnection to perform operations in a connection with an Amazon Sidewalk device.
getToken() in SidewalkAuthProvider to provide LWA token to Amazon Sidewalk Mobile SDK for communication with the Amazon Sidewalk cloud.
log() in SidewalkLogging to receive logs from Amazon Sidewalk Mobile SDK.
Introduce new secureConnectDevice / registerDevice / deregisterDevice APIs that consume Sidewalk Manufacturing Serial Number (SMSN) only instead of Sidewalk ID + SMSN.
The automatic deregister & factory reset mechanism in the device registration process has been removed in the new registerDevice API.
Improve error handling when performing actions on a device that has already been deregistered but not successfully reset.
New Features
Introduce truncatedSmsn and fullSmsn in SidewalkDevice to return the device’s SMSN value.
Introduce a new set of interfaces to support using the device's SMSN for operations, including
Amazon Sidewalk Mobile iOS SDK provides a one-stop solution for everything related to Amazon Sidewalk on iOS mobiles. The initial release contains APIs including:
scan(), secureConnect(), register(), deregister(), and clearAccountCache() in Sidewalk to interact with end devices.
subscribe(), write(), startCoverageTest(), isAvailable, and disconnect() in SidewalkConnection to perform operations in a connection with an Amazon Sidewalk device.
getToken() in SidewalkAuthProviding to provide LWA token to Amazon Sidewalk Mobile SDK for communication with the Amazon Sidewalk cloud.
log() in SidewalkLogging to receive logs from Amazon Sidewalk Mobile SDK.
Starting with the 1.17 release, the SidewalkConnection.uploadDeviceMetrics() is no longer supported.
Amazon Sidewalk Endpoint SDK 1.16
When running SidewalkConnection.startCoverageTest() with an Amazon Sidewalk endpoint device utilizing Amazon Sidewalk MCU SDK 1.16 in an environment lacking Amazon Sidewalk coverage, the Amazon Sidewalk Mobile SDK will promptly throw a SidewalkError.DeviceError. In contrast, initiating SidewalkConnection.startCoverageTest() with an Amazon Sidewalk endpoint device using Amazon Sidewalk MCU SDK 1.14 is feasible irrespective of the Amazon Sidewalk coverage status in the environment.