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Constructing and uploading Sidewalk control logs

CM follows these steps to construct the control logs from the output of the Sidewalk signing tool with some additional information. They can consolidate the logs if there are multiple devices, and then upload them to the Amazon Sidewalk system for provisioning your Sidewalk devices.


Step 1: Construct control logs

The signing tool can generate the control logs file using a format that can be ingested into Amazon’s device provisioning system via EDI or SFTP endpoints.

To generate the control logs and specify the directory where the logs will be generated, use the parameter --control_log_dir when running the Sidewalk signing tool. For more information and how to run the tool, see Sidewalk signing tool parameters

The signing tool will generate a Sidewalk control log file for the device in the specified directory, with a name C_CONTROL_LOG_<date and time in yyyyMMddhhmmss format>.txt. The control logs generated will use a format that complies with the version 4-0-1 and contains the required device information to be uploaded to Amazon Sidewalk, such as the SMSN, APID, and the Sidewalk certificate chains.

In this code, the serialNumber and the certificate chains sidewalkED25519CertificateChain and sidewalkP256R1CertificateChain are obtained by running the Sidewalk signing tool. You obtain the APID when creating a Sidewalk profile.

  "controlLogs": [
      "version": "4-0-1",
      "device": {
        "serialNumber": "77086ebf8e20d074180f1a01fff256688dee68baa990c3610070e66c86f6ff39",
        "productIdentifier": {
          "advertisedProductId": "pd25"
        "sidewalkData": {
          "sidewalkED25519CertificateChain": "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",
          "sidewalkP256R1CertificateChain": "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",
          "label": "production"

Step 2: Consolidate control logs

The control log file generated by the Sidewalk signing tool contains the control log information only for a single Sidewalk device as the certificates are signed only for a single device at a time. If you have multiple Sidewalk devices, their control logs can be consolidated into a single control log file for control log ingestion. To consolidate the control logs, use the tool provided by the Sidewalk signing tool.

For example, the following command shows how to run this tool. You can move all the control logs to be consolidated into a single directory and then run the tool from that directory.

python3 /tmp/cl/C_CONTROL_LOG_*.txt

In this example, the command reads all control log files that are in the /tmp/cl directory. After the tool runs successfully, it generates a new control log file, for example C_CONTROL_LOG_20221021155511.txt, that will contain the control log content of its inputs in the directory.

Processing /tmp/cl/C_CONTROL_LOG_20221018122452.txt
Processing /tmp/cl/C_CONTROL_LOG_20221018141057.txt
Processing /tmp/cl/C_CONTROL_LOG_20221018141105.txt
Processing /tmp/cl/C_CONTROL_LOG_20221018141106.txt
Processing /tmp/cl/C_CONTROL_LOG_20221018141108.txt
Processing /tmp/cl/C_CONTROL_LOG_20221018141109.txt
Processing /tmp/cl/C_CONTROL_LOG_20221018141110.txt



The consolidated control log file will contain the required information for multiple devices. The following code shows a sample control log file.

  "controlLogs" : [
      "version" : "4-0-1",
      "device" : {
        "serialNumber": "device1SN",
        "productIdentifier": {
          "advertisedProductId": "abCD"
        "sidewalkData": {
          "sidewalkED25519CertificateChain": "ZfZFVIghs+3EJrr...qRB+Aw==",
          "sidewalkP256R1CertificateChain": "ZfZFVIghs+3EJrr...BZ1Bw==",
          "label": "PRODUCTION / PREPRODUCTION"
      "version" : "4-0-1",
      "device" : {
        "serialNumber": "device2SN",
        "productIdentifier": {
          "advertisedProductId": "abCD"
        "sidewalkData": {
          "sidewalkED25519CertificateChain": "3OJknQsyH949Ism...qRB+Aw==",
          "sidewalkP256R1CertificateChain": "3OJknQsyH949Ism...BZ1Bw==",
          "label": "PRODUCTION / PREPRODUCTION"

Step 3: Upload control logs

After you’ve provisioned your Sidewalk device, you must upload the control logs file to Amazon Sidewalk that includes information about the provisioned device. This information includes the device identifier, APID, SMSN, and Sidewalk certificate chain.

To upload your control logs, use either of the following approaches:


Upload control logs using EDI

After a contract manufacturer (CM) has been issued a YubiHSM key, the CM must set up the factory line to provision devices using the Sidewalk certificates. For your Sidewalk devices to connect to the cloud and use other AWS services, the control logs must be uploaded to Amazon.

For information about uploading the control logs using Amazon’s electronic data interchange (EDI) system, contact Amazon Sidewalk support.

Upload control logs using SFTP endpoint

To upload the control logs using an SFTP endpoint, perform the following steps.

  1. Sign in to your developer account and go to the Frustration-Free Setup (FFS) developer console.

  2. Go to the Control Logs section of the FFS developer console and choose Manage Control Logs.

  3. Enter information about the business you want to onboard, which includes the Company Name, Contact name, Group Email, and Contact phone. Choose Onboard. [Image NOT FOUND]

  4. Generate a secure RSA key and upload the public key on the portal.

    1. To generate the RSA key, run the following command.

      ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -m PEM
    2. Enter the file name “control_log_key” in which to save the key and the passphrase when prompted.

      Running this command generates two files control_log_key and

    3. Upload the public key on the portal by choosing Choose file and then choose Create.

      A pair of SFTP endpoints will be generated for sending the control logs and for receiving feedback.

The Upload endpoint is for sending control log to Amazon, and the Feedback endpoint is for receiving responses from Amazon about the uploaded control log.

  1. Choose the control log file that you want to upload. This example uses the control log file that was created in Step 2: Consolidate control logs.
    "controlLogs": [
        "version": "4-0-1",
        "device": {
          "serialNumber": "418A07E3811B8CED614BD27BD2445FAE50A7376A3EB9993CA2017F497A87A68F",
          "productIdentifier": {
            "advertisedProductId": "vLpm"
          "sidewalkData": {
            "sidewalkP256R1CertificateChain": "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",
            "sidewalkED25519CertificateChain": "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"

  1. To upload the control logs, perform the following steps.

    1. First start the SFTP endpoint.

      sftp --oIdentityFile={path_to_key_file}/control_log_key \
          --oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss sftp://{upload_endpoint without :22}/To_Amazon
    2. Next upload the control log file to the endpoint.

      # Display local directory listing.
      sftp> lls
      # Upload control log file name.
      sftp> put <control_log_filename>
      # Exit out of the SFTP connection.
      sftp> exit

    It takes few minutes for the control log to be processed and feedback to be received. Once completed, an email will be sent to the email address provided in the onboarding phase in step 3 where you specified the onboarding business information for control logs, or the feedback file can be retrieved by SFTP.

Getting feedback for the uploaded control log file via SFTP

Feedback must be downloaded and deleted within 30 minutes. Connect via SFTP to the feedback endpoint

sftp --oIdentityFile={path_to_key_file}/control_log_key --oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss \
sftp://{Feedback endpoint without :22}/From_Amazon

Download the feedback file:

# List the files for feedback.
sftp> ls

# Download control log feedback file.
sftp> get {feedback_file_name}

# Delete the feedback file
sftp> rm {feedback_file_name}

# Exit out of the SFTP connection.
sftp> exit

Next steps

Once the control log feedback file in CSV format has been retrieved by email or downloaded from SFTP, you can use AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk to provision these devices to AWS IoT in bulk. The CSV file summarizes the control log upload status, as shown below. This file will be used to provision the Sidewalk devices in bulk using AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk. For more information, see Bulk provisioning devices with AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk in the AWS IoT Core developer guide.


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